Appoint a principal

Use EdPay to add a new principal to a school.

They will also need:

  • access to EdPay and 
  • may require KiwiSaver enrolment.

The principal's salary and allowances are all advised to Education Payroll by the Ministry of Education, so schools don't need to enter a salary for a new principal.

You'll need the new principal's:

  • contract details
  • date of birth
  • IRD number
  • funding and department codes
  • allowance information
  • KiwiSaver contribution

Acting principal role

Only one principal role can be set up per school. See Appoint an acting principal.

Send the new principal's forms with their appointment letter

Send any required forms to the principal with their appointment letter, so they can be set up in the payroll in time for their first pay day. Include a covering letter that explains what to complete and provide a timeframe for them to return the forms.

See the Payroll calendar to determine the cut-off date for instructions in their first pay period.

Checklist of tasks

  • Ask the principal to complete the EdPay employee details form 
  • Ask the principal to complete an IR330 – Tax code declaration form. Also see KiwiSaver for a new employee  You don’t need to send these forms to Education Payroll, but you will use the information to set up the new principal in EdPay, and keep on file for your records.
  • Use EdPay to add the new principal. See Add an employee in EdPay
  • Once the submission shows as successful in your EdPay activity history check all personal financial and contract details are correct.
  • Complete an EP5 form for the new principal to request access to EdPay. This must be signed by a board representative. Send the signed original to Education Payroll. See Authorised user access
  • If you have more than one form to email to Education Payroll for this employee, it is essential that you attach only one form to each email.

Use the following format in the subject line:

Form number, Employee name, MoE number, School name, School number

Example: EP5, Jane Doe, 0123456, Sample School, 01234

See Sending forms

Your new principal will appear on your next SUE report. For any further changes make a pay details change in EdPay. See Employees details changes 

Need help?

See Contact us page.

Record keeping

Keep the following forms in the principal's file:

  • Copy of the signed EP5 form
  • IR330 tax declaration form
  • Copies of KiwiSaver forms, if applicable.

See Payroll record keeping for more details.


See EdPay and forms to download forms, and for guidance on completing forms.

Information for the principal

Related links

Ministry of Education website:

NZSTA website: