Getting started in EdPay
EdPay is an online system for managing your school’s payroll and submitting and processing payroll instructions.
Smart forms are used alongside EdPay to submit any instructions that can’t be completed online.
Support and how to contact us
Your payroll advisor and their school account team will support you so that your payroll experience is as easy and stress free as possible. Their name is in your welcome email.
Phone 0508 668 6729 (9.30am – 3.30pm weekdays)
- Enter your 7-digit MoE number the prompt. Use leading zeros if your MoE number has fewer than seven digits (eg 989989 becomes 0989989).
Log on to EdPay
Access to EdPay is through the online portal or through the EdPay website We recommend that you use Google Chrome as your default browser for EdPay and bookmark the EdPay online portal and EdPay website for easy access.

- Enter your username. This is your 7 digit MoE number. Use leading zeros if your MoE number has fewer than seven digits (eg 989989 becomes 0989989).
- Enter your temporary password. For security reasons this will be emailed to you separately. Contact your payroll advisor for a temporary password if you don’t receive an email. Your password will be re-set every 3 months for security reasons.
- Click Accept & Login to launch your EdPay session, making sure you log out of EdPay when finished. (Closing the browser will not log out).
With your role comes a responsibility to maintain privacy of payroll information and up-to-date payroll records. Please read and understand the terms of use, which you’ll see on the EdPay welcome screen when you log in.
With your role comes a responsibility to maintain privacy of payroll information and up-to-date payroll records. Please read and understand the terms of use, which you’ll see on the EdPay welcome screen when you log in.
Logging in for the first time
There are lots of hover hints throughout EdPay. Move your mouse over the blue question marks to read them. |
Click on the items on the left-hand menu – see where they take you. |
Explore your list of employees. Check out the top tabs too. |
Click on an employee's name to view their job details. Then click on the left-hand menu to view their personal and financial details. |
Click on their job history to view a record of current and previous jobs at your school. |
Five things to start your EdPay journey
1. Get to know the pay cycle
2. Make use of EdPay training resources
The EdPay training section of the website has guides and videos to help you when you are learning how to use EdPay, or with a task you haven't done before or for a long time.
Here are some examples:
Explore the EdPay training page for the full list of these ‘how to’ resources. Use them every time you need to do something new.
3. Find out when to use EdPay online and when to submit a form
Most of your payroll work can be done directly in EdPay. However, there are some tasks that require forms to be completed and submitted through your payroll advisor in the school account team.
The EdPay and forms page to find out:
- tasks that can be completed in EdPay
- tasks that need a form
- back-up forms for if EdPay isn't available.
4. Learn about tickets
Every email that is sent to the Education Payroll Service Centre and some submissions in EdPay will generate an email response showing a task reference/ticket number or PRN (payroll receipt number). Careful management of tickets will help to avoid errors, which may result in an employee being paid incorrectly. When responding to an email, please use the reply function to keep your request on the same ticket, so we can provide you with a faster response. (If you initiate a new email, it generates a new ticket which then has to be matched up with old ticket(s) manually, slowing down our response times.)
For more info go to Manage tickets
5. Understand the purpose of the SUE report
The SUE report shows the gross pay details of a school's employees in a pay period. The 1st SUE report allows you to check details and correct pay errors before the pay run. The final SUE report forms part of the school's accounting records.
For more info go to SUE report
The EdPay website
The EdPay website is where you will find all the payroll information you need. Save this website link to your favourites:

Keeping up to date through the website
Urgent things you need to know about.
Regular newsletters with important updates (these will also be emailed to you).
Help resources on the website
Information for…
authorised users, school employees, relievers, principals and boards of trustees. Learn about user access, roles and responsibilities within EdPay. A must read for all new users!
Pay cycle
View the fortnightly pay cycle, including the deadlines you need to know about.
Payroll calendar
Rolling calendar of due dates.
A–Z of payroll
Find out about payroll topics located in quick links.
How to
Guidance for completing payroll tasks throughout the year.
EdPay training
Build your knowledge of EdPay and payroll activities through our videos, guides and FAQs.
We will also send you emails to keep you informed during the year
Remember to always read emails from Education Payroll.
Key things you will need to know about
Adding or removing authorised users
Annualisation enables you to spread out the earnings of support staff who work only during term time, giving them equal fortnightly pays all year. Caretakers and cleaners cannot be annualised. The employee needs to agree that they would like to have their payments annualised.
The School Annual Accrual Report (SAAR) forms part of the school's annual financial statements. The purpose of the school audit is to check and certify the SAAR to verify that the people named were employees of the board, and that the amounts paid to them are correct.
Auto save
Once you begin filling out an ’Add Employee’ screen, it will automatically save as a draft in your activity history.
Completing and submitting a timesheet
Complete forms in sequence to avoid resetting some fields.
End of year/start of year processes
Information is collected at the start and end of each school year:
Start of year information ensures all employees are paid correctly from the beginning of the new school year.
End of year information ensures all employees are paid correctly over the term 4 holidays.
You will be sent updated guides and information at the beginning of the start of year and end of year process.
An overpayment is when an employee receives more pay than they are entitled to. The best ways to reduce the risk of overpayment is to enter payroll instructions as you go, check them and also carefully check the first SUE report for errors.
If there is a change in pay for an employee after cut off, notify your payroll advisor to make the change early.
Payroll controls
Internal controls are the mechanisms, rules and procedures implemented by a school to ensure the integrity of financial and accounting information, promote accountability, and prevent fraud. Besides complying with laws and regulations and preventing employees from misappropriating assets or committing fraud, internal controls can help improve operational efficiency by improving the accuracy and timeliness of financial reporting.
Payroll record keeping
Payroll record keeping falls into two categories:
- Records an employer must keep to meet various legislative requirements for retention of payroll records
- Records that schools must keep to support annual financial statements.
Short-term relievers will not appear on your school employee list in EdPay. You can find them under the Reliever tab if they have been paid by your school within the last three pay periods.
Definitions and miscellaneous
Salary loading
EdPay displays a ‘pay rate’ based on minimums under collective agreements or individual employment agreements. Rates above those minimums are shown as salary loading in the allowances section.
Activity history status
The draft transaction you have begun has been saved. This is the only action that allows you to keep a draft.
Attachments Requested
After submitting an ‘Add Employee,’ you will receive an email with a task reference number (ie, payroll request number). If attachments are requested, add them, and reply to the email. (Do not start a new email as this will generate a new request.)
Your transaction has been submitted and is being processed.
Your transaction has been processed and the new employee is now in your My Employees list.
You have cancelled your transaction.
Customer action required
Requires you to do something to action this item.
Terminating a job
When terminating a job, remember to:
- Contact your payroll administrator to perform the terminations listed below:
- did not start
- bulk termination
- no termination pay due.
- Submit a NOVO6 termination form for:
- annualised employees
- employees that do not start
- cleaners/caretakers transferring schools.
Termination specifics
Medical retirement
Only valid for teachers and principals.
Overpayment at termination
If a staff member agrees for an overpayment to be offset from their termination pay, their signed permission is required. Remember to keep this for auditing purposes.
Cut off times and termination pay
All termination requests sent through to EdPay will automatically update your employee’s last day of duty to ensure they are paid accurately.