Salary codes

Support staff paycodes

Code  Description  Use this code for...
RETIR  Retirement (Cashed Up) Groundstaff  Support staff. 
SALT  Salary - Paid via Timesheet  Non teachers paid via timesheet 
TXTRA  Extra Time  Part time auto salaried employees. 
ILPUB  In Lieu of a Public Holiday   

Teacher paycodes

Code  Description  Use this code for... 
DDR  Day Relief Teacher  Short term relievers. 
APTAH  Area PT Teacher Additional hours  Part time area teachers extra hours. 
PPTAH  Primary PT Teacher Additional hours  Part time primary teachers extra hours. 

Teacher and support staff paycodes

Code  Description 
SAL  Salary 
REDUN  Redundancy Payment 
SALR  Salary Retro Prior to Go-Live 
SETT  Settlement (Loss of Earnings) Taxable 
TRIBT  Tribunal Decision - (Loss of Earnings) Taxable 

Salary codes no longer in use

Code Description Use this code for...
SPTAH Secondary PT Teacher Additional hours Part time secondary teachers extra hours