Overview of application process - for applications submitted before 18 September 2024
The portal is no longer accepting new applications from 18 September 2024, but if you submitted before this date, your application will still be processed.
The cycle a salary assessment application goes through, and the roles of the people involved.
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This image shows the salary assessment application process. First a teacher prepares their documents. Next, they log into the salary assessment portal using their Education Sector login, then complete and submit their application. Either the principal or payroll administrator of their school is notified by email that the teacher’s application is waiting for them to check. The payroll administrator can log in to the portal and to complete an optional review of supporting documents. The principal logs in to the portal, certifies the documents, verifies the application and submits it to EPL. EPL is notified of the application and completes the assessment within 15 business days, then notifies the teacher of the outcome, with new pay rates being actioned in the next available pay period. If additional information is required, the teacher will receive an email from the principal or from EPL. The teacher, administrator or principal can log into the portal to view an application’s status or the outcome of an assessment.