Short-term relievers minimum payments

Teacher employment agreements state that day relievers must be paid for a minimum of two hours per day if they are employed by a school.

When a timesheet is received for less than two hours (in one or more bookings), the short-term reliever's pay will be topped up to two hours. The Ministry of Education has worked with EPL to implement automatic top-up payments to short-term relievers. These payments appear under the payroll code “DDRUP”.

This top-up payment does not count as service, as it does not reflect hours worked. 

Schools should only submit timesheets for the actual hours worked. EdPay automatically adjusts the DDRUP top-up value as per the timesheets submitted for actual hours worked.

The automated process enters a top-up payment where a short-term reliever has worked for less than two hours, per school, per day. This is funded through the original relief booking allocation. If this is from teachers’ salaries, then this will generate banking staffing usage.

The Ministry is looking into the historical impact of this error and will communicate further on these once investigations are completed.

If you have any further questions about this please contact the Ministry of Education on