Certified true copy

A certified true copy is the copy of a document that is stamped and signed as a true copy of the original by a person who is allowed to take declarations.

Important: certified true copies must be scanned and emailed in colour to the Salary Assessment Unit. We cannot accept certified true copies that are scanned into us in black and white.

People allowed to certify true copies by law

The Oaths and Declarations Act 1957 lists the people allowed to take declarations as:

  • Justice of the Peace (JP)
  • barrister or solicitor of the High Court
  • Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the court.

See Section 9. Oaths and Declarations Act 1957 for a list of people who are able to take declarations.

We also accept certified true copies from school principals.

What your certified true copy must contain

Principals who certify true copies of original documents must make sure that, on the copy of the original document, they:

  • write the phrase “This document is a certified, true copy of the original”
  • stamp the school stamp
  • sign their name, and write their name, title and date clearly below their signature.

Email your certified true copy to us

The school's authorised user must email your certified true copy, along with the NOVO form to SalaryAssessment@novopay.govt.nz.